Achieving the vision of ‘Skilled India’

YKDF’s vision is to be the primary support and platform for a civil society represented by a global community of informed, empowered and committed NGOs that fully participate with the IN in decision-making and programs leading to a better world, a world of economic and social justice.



YKDF’s Mission is to be a world-class organization for providing management education and employable vocational skills to fulfill the gap between the demand and supply of skilled workforce so as to transform the lives of millions of youth of the country.

Facilitate through various means the development of a dynamic and informed world-wide NGO community able to influence policies and actions at all levels of the Indian Nations


  • Improve NGOs accessibility and presence at all levels of the Indian Nations
  • Enhance the effective engagement of NGOs with the Indian Nations
  • Strengthen the dialogue between the Indian Nations and Non-governmental organizations
  • Engage NGOs to work together on issues of common interest
  • Education / Capacity Development
  • Work in partnership with IN civil society focal points
  • Advocate on the Principles and Goals that NGOs and Indian Nations share